Get Your House Guest Ready Quickly
The holiday season often means unexpected visits from friends and relatives and while you might love the company, you may not be so fond of getting your house ready to receive guests in such a short time. Don’t worry if you’ve neglected cleaning in favor of more fun Christmas or New Year activities because by focusing on a few key areas your guests will think your house is always spotless and you can enjoy socializing rather than stressing.
Entry way
They say first impressions are everything and the entry way is your home’s first impression. It can also get cluttered easily as it is usually the first place we drop things when we get home. Make sure it is free from messes and straighten everyday items that collect in the entry way such as mail, keys, shoes and coats.
You might be tempted to skip cleaning the bathroom if your guests are only visiting for a short time but that would be a mistake. Bathrooms have the capacity for looking the most disgusting of any room in your house if they aren’t taken care of. According to Better Homes and Gardens if you only have an hour to clean you should spend most of your time on the bathroom, changing smelly towels, wiping toothpaste off the mirror and sink and cleaning the toilet and floors.
Living Room
Most likely your guests will be spending their time in the living room, so make sure it looks good. Take the time to sweep or vacuum the floors, wipe down the furniture and straighten the couch pillows.